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Conficio Support

Conficio recognizes that our success comes through your success. We strive to enable you to implement and serve Plan-B to your customers. We are committed to support your efforts with all our resources.

ornamental red diamond, element of the conficio logo Free e-mail support for Plan-B

Conficio provides free technical support for Plan-B via e-mail. We strive to answer questions within one hour.

ornamental red diamond, element of the conficio logo Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Many common questions about Plan-B technology are collected in our frequently asked questions. This includes questions regarding the requirements or configuration of the web server as well as the web browser. Feel free to browse the answers to learn more about Plan-B.

ornamental red diamond, element of the conficio logo Installation support

Not all our customers have an experienced web master on call. Conficio offers full service installations to those customers that choose not to do it on their own. However, feel free to use our free e-mail support to ask questions if the instructions appear to be unclear or don't seem to apply to your situation.

ornamental red diamond, element of the conficio logo Conficio Newsletter

Conficio publishes a monthly newsletter, informing our customers about various topics of interest, such as

If you don't want to miss the latest news about Plan-B, sign up for the monthly e-mail newsletter.