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Install Java Plug-In

ornamental red diamond, element of the conficio logo How-To install the Java™ Plug-In in Mozilla

Playing Plan-B screencasts correctly, requires the Java Plug-In from Sun Microsystems to be installed in the browser. If the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is installed on the machine, make sure the Plug-In is activated for Mozilla browsers, including Firefox (formerly Firebird). The following steps describe the manual installation.

  1. Make sure a current Java Runtime Environment is installed. If you need to install or update the Java Runtime Environment, please see "Howto install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) from Sun Microsystems?
  2. Go to the Windows Control Panel.
    Click on the "start" button; Select "Settings"; Select "Control Panel."
  3. In the Windows Control Panel, double click on the Java Cup to open the Java Plug-In Control Panel.
    Double click on the Java Cup icon in the Windows Control Panel
    The Java Plug-In Control Panle opens in the basic tab
  4. Select the "Browser"-tab and check the box for "Mozilla 1.1 or later." Click the "Apply"-button to commit the changes.
    Clikc on "Browser"-tab; check box for "Mozilla 1.1 or later"; Click "ApplyQuot;-button to commit changes.

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